

Butterfly Embroidery Equipment - SINCE 1919

A glance at Our Butterfly Embroidery Machine Company's history.

Unlike much of the competition the Butterfly Company and Brand is not a recent upstart Chinese embroidery machine company. We are very different.

About the brand

We would like to show you how our embroidery machine is different and some reasons why you should choose our brand. We also invite you to visit our Butterfly Embroidery Machine Museum based in Shanghai, China.

Butterfly started making household sewing machines since 1919 and began production of commercial embroidery machines in 1990. Butterfly is state-owned by Shanghai government. Since the 1970s, the government started the work of world wide registration. Approximately 100 registration exist world wide.

Find out more About US and our distributors.

Butterfly Embroidery Equipment - SINCE 1919

How are we different

How are we different from the rest? Start by asking the competition how long their brand has been in existence. Are they selling a startup machine or a machine with history? Most of our competitors brands have been around less than a few years. The majority of our competitors brands will not be around in the next few years. Ask our competitors how many brands they have sold in the past? What happened to those brands and why have they discontinued to sell them? How long were they selling their previous discontinued brand and how long have they been selling their new model? Chances are each answer will be less than a few years.


Our machines are built on quality and on pride. We have learned how to improve the machine from the big names and, we have learned how to not do things from watching competitors machine brands become obsolete.

Butterfly Embroidery Equipment - SINCE 1919


Embroidery WiFi
USB to WiFi
Upgrade any Embroidery Machine to Wireless!
ThreadsES Digitizing Software
NEW Digitizing Software
Software $1 a day!
YES, $1 a day!
Barudan Black Box
Embroidery Black Box
External USB file reader
Barudan USB Upgrade Shown
SWF Floppy To USB
Floppy To USB Upgrade
Do away with floppies!
SWF USB Upgrade Shown

Welcome to TheEmbroideryWarehouse, Inc. - We buy and sell commercial embroidery machines.

We sell just about every make and model of New and Used Commercial Embroidery Machines. When TheEmbroideryWarehouse purchases used machines for resell, we only purchase the best of the best. Rest assured that if the make and model of the machines we buy and resell are not high quality, then we don't buy them! We only buy and sell the best of the best. If the machines we buy are substandard, we part them out.

We specializes in the reselling of used Tajima, Barudan, SWF, Toyota, and Melco among others commercial and industrial embroidery machines. TheEmbroideryWarehouse strives to be the best source for all types of embroidery equipment while still being competitive.

For Used Embroidery Machines, check our current Inventory or Contact Us