Aftermarket Butterfly Embroidery Machines Parts

Where can parts for aftermarket Butterfly Embroidery Machines be acquired?

TheEmbroideryWarehouse has been the official Butterfly Embroidery Machine Distributor for the Americas since approximately the year 2005. At TheEmbroideryWarehouse you can acquire most all the parts that were available for the machines since that time. TheEmbroideryWarehouse has been around since approximately the year 2000 and continues to thrive.

Many of the basic and essential parts for the Butterfly are parts that are common across other popular brands. For example, Butterfly uses hooks and bobbin cases used on many of the famous Japanese brands and, are sometimes purchased from the exact same manufactures. Many other items such as rubber grommets, springs, bushing, padding etc all used many interchangeable part numbers that are still being produced as aftermarket items sold to work with the Japanese brands. The belts used are generally generic teeth typed that can be purchased by the yard and cut to fit. Many parts (that do need to be replaced over time) can be sourced from various parts dealers, with cross references.

Electronics warranties are also backed by which repairs and sources out of stock embroidery electronics.

Butterfly is a brand that has been around for over 100 years. Butterfly has been known to offer superior support and has a reputation of maintaining out of date equipment.

When looking for parts you cannot find on TheEmbroideryWarehouse’s online store, then please email: support at tewh. com.

If you have the part number, please provide that. If not, please take a picture of the machines data plate and inform us of the approximate year of the machine. If you have pictures of that parts you need, that helps us make sure we are getting you the right part you need.

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