If you’re running a business that heavily relies on a commercial embroidery machine, it’s important to keep it in top condition to avoid any costly breakdowns or damage. Regular maintenance not only ensures the machine is operating efficiently, but also prolongs its lifespan. But where do you start? In this post, we’ll provide you with some essential tips for cleaning and maintaining your commercial embroidery machine. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to the embroidery game, these tips will help you keep your machine in excellent working order.

  1. Keep your machine covered when not in use

Protecting your commercial embroidery machine is crucial for ensuring its longevity and optimal performance. One simple yet effective way to safeguard your investment is by covering it when not in use. Covering your embroidery machine can help shield it from dust, debris, and moisture that can accumulate on the machine’s delicate and sensitive components. Additionally, covering your machine can prevent accidental spills, scratches, or other types of damage that can occur when it’s left uncovered and exposed. Taking the extra step to cover your embroidery machine when it’s not in use can help extend its lifespan and maintain its quality over time.

2. Don’t skip the day-to-day cleaning

Cleaning your commercial embroidery machine on a daily basis is essential to maintaining optimal performance and longevity. During embroidery, the machine produces a lot of thread and lint buildup, which can clog the machine’s moving parts and affect its operation. If left uncleaned, this buildup can also attract dust and dirt, which can further impede the machine’s performance. Daily cleaning helps to remove any lint, thread, and dust that has accumulated, keeping the machine clean and functioning efficiently. Additionally, regular cleaning prevents the buildup of oil and grease, which can cause the machine to seize up and malfunction.

Make sure you use a soft brush or a can of compressed air to remove dust and lint in hard-to-reach areas of the machine. You can wipe down the exterior of your embroidery machine with a damp rag. It’s important to use a non-abrasive liquid to clean with – warm, soapy water is ideal.

3. Don’t forget about long-term care

You should set aside some time on a weekly basis to do an inspection and deep cleaning of your machine. Make sure to start off by checking your upper and lower tensions, hook timing, and electrical connections. 

Once that’s taken care of, you may need to disassemble certain parts of your machine to access other critical components for cleaning. It’s always a good idea to refer to your owner’s manual before you remove any parts of your machine, as different makes and models will have different processes for doing so.

Another best practice is to schedule a yearly inspection and tune-up with a qualified technician. Getting another opinion on your machine’s performance can help prevent issues before they lead to total machine failure. At The Embroidery Warehouse, we have technicians with experience across most all major embroidery brands. From Tajima and Barudan to SWF and Butterfly, we can assist you with ensuring your machine is always running in peak condition.

 4. Don’t skimp on supplies

Once you’ve developed a plan to maintain your embroidery machine, the next step you should take is ensuring you have access to high-quality embroidery supplies. Not only will good supplies help you produce the best-quality embroidery possible; they will also help keep your machine running in peak condition. Cheap threads and bobbins tend to fall apart during use, leaving debris inside your machine’s most sensitive components. This increases the frequency of maintenance, and can lead to issues if left unaddressed. 

That’s why The Embroidery Warehouse only carries supplies from the best brands in the embroidery business. No matter what your supply needs are, you can rest easy knowing that we have you covered. For a full overview of our supplies, check out our website.

5.Consider Climate

In a warehouse or embroidery shop environment, it can be challenging to keep your work area climate-controlled. While mild temperature changes aren’t necessarily a concern, it’s important to remember that rapid changes in humidity, temperature, and other environmental factors can adversely affect your embroidery machine’s performance. If possible, it’s a great idea to invest in a smart thermostat capable of automatically adjusting temperature as needed.

If that’s not a viable option, you’ll want to spend a little time testing your machine after a major weather event. You may need to adjust tensions, top-up lubricant, and replace brittle thread before running jobs on your machine. Making a point to optimize your embroidery machine to its current environment can go a long way towards protecting the longevity of your investment.

It’s important to remember that every machine is unique, and that yours may require additional maintenance depending on manufacturer recommendations. It’s highly recommended that you review your owner’s manual for machine-specific requirements. That aside, following this guide will help you extend the life of your machine, and get the most out of your investment. For additional assistance and specific recommendations, get in touch with us today!